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Almblad Gallery

The Parable of the Sower



The sower is the spirit of God,

the seed is his word to us,

the ground is our mind and our heart...the level

At which we are able to receive his communication.


The Celestial Word was scorched as it were, by the

Humanness of our nature; that is, the chasm was too great between

God and Man.


The Spiritual Word was choked out by our

Double-mindedness and by our unbelief.


The Natural Word was well received and bore much fruit.



Highest                                                                         Middle             Lowest

Celestial                                                                       Spiritual                        Natural

Being                                                           Becoming              Existing

The End                                          The Cause       The Effect



...we have become content with the lowest level of

communication, the natural, simply existing, being the effect.


Is that life?

Is that truly being human??


Each of us must needs choose this day to which level we will

aspire, what will be the quality of the soil in our hearts when the

next seed is sown?


Stained Glass


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