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Almblad Gallery



Imprisoned or Impowered?


Symbols, traditions, doctrines, heritage, customs

Living by sight, from memory, out of fear, in

Bondage to others’ ideas and beliefs?


Or...Life in the living, actuality transforming us

Moment by moment as our relationship with the

Creator of the Universe directs, corrects, and protects?


Question of raw truthful confrontation of our

Something, someone, or in the unfathomable God of our

Fathers, of our teachers, our parents, our churches,


or...a dynamic interactive relationship with God riding along

A winding narrow storm-filled path where we are walking on the

Waters of faith, rather than standing along the shores simply

Allowing the occasional wave to wet our toes?


Just a need to answer, but if someone some day asks

You about that chain around your neck, do not be surprised.


Imprisoned...or impowered


Stained Glass


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