Miles for more
More thoughts
More prayers
Time to
reflect, to remember
Chances are the
challenge will
repeatedly present itself–stop here, visit there,
so many connections
Yet, I drive
on...passing exit after exit.
Running from or
drawing into??
She said
recently of the need to
Let go of many
half hearts to
Bring a whole
heart home.
That is good
theory and some strength remains in it
Yet, we drive
on to meet
The moment God
calls me to find.
Then one in which a thought is resolved, re-used
Miles pass
miles pass miles pass.
Temptation from
turmoil that I will pass
of visiting...
They say, selfish?, not caring?, ungrateful? Ugh!
So many I
Quietly, gently, simply, listen and
Drive on.
What else did
we do today?
So many
memories of so many
Beautiful soft
thighs, stomachs, lips
Eyes that have
called me
Listened to me.
So many
entrusting themselves to me
??For the
??Life time??
The moment has
always been filled with so much opportunity
So many needs.
I’ve found so
many beautiful moments of peace from the hand of God
Many people,
mainly women, a couple men...the touch brings peace.